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The Arc of Natrona County facilitates assessment of need for: Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Psychological, Vision Therapy and Evaluation, Specialized Equipment, Home Modifications.

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We provide an after school and summer program for children ages, 5 to 21 years of age, and an adult program of ages 21 and up. We are based out of the Arc offices, and then reach into the community for inclusive activities with other organizations.

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The Arc of Natrona County informs and educates the community about developmental disabilities by speaking at local businesses, as well as public awareness through media outlets.

Welcome to the Arc of Natrona County!

Nearly everything that the Arc of Natrona County does in the community is free of charge to the families due to the ongoing generosity and support of United Way, Private Donors and Grant Givers. For further information about The Arc of Natrona County, call 307-577-4913.

Arc Summer Camp

The Arc of Natrona County offers a weeklong day camp on Casper Mountain in July of each year. The camp provides outdoor activities, games, crafts, petting zoo and numerous other activities. The camp is all-inclusive with many opportunities for social interaction, learning experiences and more. Last year there were nearly 150 participants and volunteers!

Family Support, Information, Referrals and Advocacy

The Arc of Natrona County assists families on an individual basis through direct support, or referrals to agencies that can better meet their needs. The Arc of Natrona County also promotes independence through training and support.

The Arc of Natrona County Mission Statement

The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.